Wednesday, November 9, 2011

hüskers top 10: #5


Another existential lament by Grant V. Hart, and a prime counterpoint to the belief that Zen Arcade is emotionally dated by its youthful angst. If one concentrates on the more youth-specific rants, this argument carries some weight (listening to a song like 'The Biggest Lie' out of the context of the album is a bit ... bizarre), but to me, the more "unbearable lightness of being"-esque songs are the ones that carry the emotional heft, and are thus the ones with real staying power. 'Somewhere' is one of those songs.

'Somewhere' is unique in the Zen Arcade narrative in that, to these ears, it's the only time the protagonist displays a sense of idealism, of hope. Even when that hope is tempered by the bitter, cold truth that shit doesn't always work out, that the mythical "somewhere" is just that -- an empty, hollow illusion. Does that mean you stop chasing it? The answer is different for everyone, and for me, one of the prime beauties of 'Somewhere' is that my interpretations of the character's intentions shift depending on my mood.

Musically, the song is damn gorgeous, highlighted by Grant's killer rolls in the chorus and some up-yours-fake-punks backwards guitar. And it's one of the most epic two-and-a-half minute songs I've ever laid ears on.

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